Blue Life for Families
In schools all over the world the next generation of Ocean Stewards is bubbling with energy, ideas, innovation, and concern for their future.
Environmental clubs, “Green” Teams and volunteer efforts in the community all help our future leaders to become part of the solution. But teachers are beyond busy. The best place to engage and empower the future stewards of our Earth and its Oceans is at home and in the community. The “can do” attitude, energy and innovative perspective of young people can inspire us all.
Blue Life for School
We hope to provide more tools and more connection for both the teachers and the students. While families and schools can purchase print copies of the Blue Life Journal for Kids we offer the journal in PDF format at no charge. Our goal is to provide tools – and build a tribe of active and aware individuals empowered to use their expertise and imagination to create solutions and change right now. TEACHERS: CONTACT us to learn how to receive your materials.
In addition to the Blue Life Journal for Kids, we can provide Part One of the Blue Life Curriculum at no cost. The full Teacher Handbook (aligned to learning goals and standards), five slide decks with scripts provided for teachers, accompanying worksheets and activities (in Google Forms) are yours for the asking. If you prefer the program sent in a Flash drive, the only charge is for the drive and shipping.
Our goal is make these tools accessible for all.
We look forward to answering all of your questions about “Blue Life for Kids” and the opportunities that individuals and businesses can have to be broad-reaching ECO Advocates for youth. You can send your questions to us via our CONTACT form.
We want to connect with your “blue life” on your social media. We can be found on Facebook and Twitter.