Starboard Achieves Gold Level Status ECOBOARDS

We feature Starboard as an example of a “Blue” company leading others, sharing innovation and making a difference at the manufacturing stage of their products. We are happy to share this Press Release by Brett Giddings – Programs Manager at Sustainable Surf: STARBOARD BECOMES THE FIRST MAJOR SUP BRAND TO PRODUCE GOLD LEVEL ECOBOARDS – […]

Humans vs Microplastics: Expeditions and Heroes

Every day we can find our Ocean Advocate and “Blue Life” heroes and heroines sharing their passion and stories online. Sometimes their adventures and journeys seem so large and amazing that we might sit back in awe – and wonder, “What could I possibly do to make in difference in a problem so huge as […]


blue life honu

Our BLOG is meant to be a dynamic CONVERSATION. Rather than solely sharing the Blue Life author’s ideas or insights, CONVERSATIONs will be exactly that – communication we have with others. Who knows – it could easily be a conversation with YOU! FOLLOW our conversations and stay active in them. If you would like Blue Life […]

Mindful, Selfless Actions: Attitude of Gratitude

Reduce-Reuse-Recycle From the first time we ran toward the Ocean with bare foot excitement, from our first game of tag with the waves or awe at the wonder of the sea – we felt the connection. How often do we humans feel the pull toward rivers, lakes, bays, streams and the deep blue sea? We […]